27: Emily Bina, on Losing a Loved one to Suicide

Before listening, I want to forewarn that this is a triggering episode discussing the loss of a loved one, overall grief, and suicide. We are not doctors or experts; this is our experience. I am honored to sit down with one of my close friends, Emily Bina, to have a conversation about losing her brother to suicide. We discuss the complexity and isolation surrounding suicide, her healing process, the shame attached to the word “suicide”, and having the conversation to help break the stigma.

Show Notes

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Find a Support Group

Sibling Support Group


The video of our wedding that I mention: Cameron & Joe’s Wedding Film

The Eater article that lists their top 15 steak frites dishes in New York. Youtube & blog post review on my site to come!

The Corner Bistro burger we mention

Eater’s article: “Corner Bistro’s famous burger is a disaster, but worth a visit

Article discussing the suicide rates we mention: “US suicide rate at its highest since the end of the second world war

My lasagna recipe dedicated to this episode

Follow Up Q&A:

  1. First thing you do in the morning? Meditate! After that, always WNYC until I'm out the door.

  2. What advice would you give your younger self? Don't be so afraid of getting rid of the things that don't serve you anymore

  3. Wellness trend you love and wellness trend you wish would end? Love: when people / places / products encourage digital detoxes Hate: That wellness has become so commodified. I like an easy access point for people to live better lives, but hope good practices and healthy habits aren't lost on great marketing.

  4. First Job? Working in the nursery and kids area for LifeTime Fitness (a gym franchise in MN)... I got to wear athleisure and play with kids all day, so still sort of a dream job?!

  5. Proudest moment? Bringing my parents to a screening of the documentary series I worked on with Katie Couric and Nat Geo at the MoMa... it was such a fun party, fun project and by far the best dates I could have asked for.

  6. 3 most used emojis? 💓🙃😍 

  7. Favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry

  8. What is the title of your autobiography? Ope! Midwest in Manhattan: A Memoir

  9. Who is your spirit animal? A wolf (in this world) a unicorn (in my world)

  10. Always in your bag? baseball hat and a tide stick